Sunday, May 12, 2019

He Who Represents Himself

At 7, when making his case on something, Paul performed a trial to prove his innocence. He wore a Henning Underground cap as the lawyer, "Where were you on May 12?" and then put on a Giants cap to answer as Paul, "Playing on the slip-n-slide." Henning underground cap: "I pronounce me not guilty!"

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A Story About Skipping

One time, I was sitting in front of the Learning Resource Center at ARC, and a woman was sitting on the bench opposite me. To the left of me, there was a long, gently sloping walkway. From way-y-y down the walkway, I saw a very good-looking, athletic guy skipping enthusiastically toward us - with really high skips. The woman and I watched wordlessly as he skipped up to where we were sitting, flipped his empty drink bottle into a recycling can without pause, and skipped past. 

Stunned, I blinked at the woman across from me and asked, "Did you just see that?" She replied in similar tone of pleased wonder and without a note of sarcasm, "Yeah. He recycled!"